I would like to dedicate this web site to my father in law.
Robert V. Liston

This is A Tribute to our Dad
Venice Liston


Our Dad, Robert Liston served in the US Air Force, as bombardier shooting and sinking a Japanese ship after the attack on Pearl Harbor. He was just 19 years old and a crew of 7 when they acted like they were going to land on the strip on the Japanese ship. The ship did not know that it was a US Plane until it was to late, the ship didn't survive. Thus, Robert was written up in the papers along with his crew as Heroes. Robert was also honored with a Distinguished Flying Cross Medal.

After getting out of the Air Force he started working at Wards Gourment Shop, where he met my dear mother in law Pamela and married soon after.. We are very proud of our Dad Robert V Liston and thank him for serving our Country.


Robert V Liston in the pictures on the left with Roy Rogers showing him around the Gourmet Shop  where he worked. The Gourmet Shop was 0wned by Ward Smith Roberts sister's husband.  They sold Food baskets, gift baskets, and other things like barbques. They catered mostly to celeberties and was located in Beverly Hills


Mom and Dad Liston often have told us how they served Groucho Marx & brother, Bing Crosby,  George Burns, Cary Grant, Rosemary Clooney and Dolores Hope. Governer Earl Warren who also is in the photos.




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Barn: 951-789-6225
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